
the little boy seemed so happy riding is bike. Even surrounded by the poverty of rabo de peixe in the Azores, a small town of fisherman forgotten by everyone.  An yet all that seemed to matter was having fun with his bike on that  rainy morning...i wish i could feel his joy now, just for a short lapse of time again. C de M
hoje sinto um aperto tão grande no peito...
feeling sad on a rainy Sunday Photo by Cde M
I am stronger then my words would led you to think. Much stronger. I have been to hell time and time again since my childwood, and yet survived without need for commiseration. I own my life and in doing so can decide what real choices life presents.  I am in the comand of my destiny.  I fear not death. I fear not life. I accept there is a thin line between both, and my destiny was written a long time ago, so i accept what the Gods have chosen for me. Let it be.

One Soul lost in his thoughts

Burning from whitin I carry a ring of fire